Hey everyone! It's the day before Thanksgiving and I always like to reflect a bit on what I am thankful for.
It may not always seem to be the case, but I believe in this quote.
Yes, I had breast cancer twice but I was thankful for good doctors and for my family/friends who offered their support every day. I was also thankful for the silver linings - no shaving for over a year, no need for a hair cut for over a year, to name just two.
Today is no different than those cancer days. So I thought I'd list a few things for which I'm thankful.
I'm thankful for:
My health - I'm cancer free, in relatively good shape (I'm always working on this), and my health is excellent.
My husband. With 31 years of marriage and counting, I am grateful he is in my life. We're two peas in a pod and I love him dearly. That love grows every day.
My family and friends - For their love and support and the good times we have together, and for their good health.
Our cats, Zena and Cy-Mon - For their unconditional love, constant entertainment, and added joy in our daily lives.
The fun I have writing my thrillers and mysteries and the many things I learn every day through research and talking with folks.
My readers and all those who subscribe to my newsletter and who read my books. Your input is invaluable and I'm so glad my books entertain you.
A roof over my head, food in my belly, the ability to pay my bills and travel a bit.
The end to the election and no more political ads. ;)
Enjoy the holidays starting with this special day tomorrow. God bless!