Well, I can't believe it's been over a month since my last post...where does the time go?
For starters, we went to Phoenix for a week to visit my stepmom. It was our cat's 1st road trip, and it was a doozy. When we drive, we like to get where we're going in as little time as possible. That means we made the 13 1/2 hr trip in 1 day. It's not a bad drive, actually, and we left on a Saturday so we didn't have to deal with the lunch rush hour in El Paso.
Ninety-five percent of the back of the car was for the cats - their cat box was in the very back, water and food was toward the front, and there were blankets and multiple areas for them to lie down. :)

Cy-mon (the seal point) drooled the 1st 2 hours like a St Bernard. Poor guy. He finally settled down, took a nap lying on Jose's lap, and when he woke up, no more drool.

Zena, on the other hand, didn't drool. She wasn't shaking, but she didn't fully relax enough to sleep for quite awhile. But, overall, they did great and enjoyed having a new place to explore. And Cy-mon became good buddies with Russelle! They enjoyed great naps together. :)

And we loved our time spent with Russelle...it had been too long since we last saw her.
Upon our return, it's been a full court press to finish editing the 3rd book in the Mali Hooper Thriller trilogy and get it to my editor, work on the book cover, set up in-person events, and everything that I need to do to prepare for publishing. The plan is to launch around the 1st of September. More on all of that later...
Do you have animals and, if so, do they travel with you? I'd love to hear your stories about your fur-babies. :)
(BTW, I just realized that I talked about our road trip in the last part of the prior post...shows how much I love those cats and hope they can get to the point where they really enjoying traveling since I know more road trips are in our future, and they'll be going with us. :) )